

LOCATION: 220 km (180 km paved road and 40 km rough road) from Ulaanbaatar, 35 km northwest of Tsenkher Mandal town, Khentii Province. The freshwater Lake Khokh Nuur consists of two small interlinked lakes at the foot of heart Shaped Khar Zurkh Mountain. So that, the lake is called “Khar Zurkhnii Khokh Nuur.” According to the chronicle book Secret History of Mongols, Temujin first united Mongol tribes and enthroned as Genghis Khan on the southern shore of the lake in 1189. The lake Khokh Nuur, Khark Zurkh Mountain, and Sengur River located in the same area are all mentioned in the chronicle book. A monument erected on the 840th birth anniversary of Genghis Khan. 36 golden lineage king wood-carved figures circle the statue. On the central part of the establishment are carvings of Genghis khan, his father Esukhei, mother Oulen, and his queen Borte Ujin. Boards at the king figures have English-Mongolian inscription of deeds and specific events took place at times. Another 9 wood carvings of Genghis Khan’s military generals guard the establishment gate. Except for the historical importance, the Khokh Lake is picturesque with abundant vegetation and wildlife in the surrounding mountain. The lake is under state protection, requires fees for the vehicles, and when camping at the designated camping sites. Alternatively, the visitors can stay at the ger camp gers and wood logs. No tourist facilities are available near the mountain. The best time to travel to the mountain is mid-June and late August. The mountain is the least traveled pristine destination for photographers, trekkers, horse riders, and mountaineers.
