

Ugii Lake, also known as Ögii Nuur, is a serene and beautiful freshwater lake located in central Mongolia. Here's some information about Ugii Lake: Natural Beauty: Ugii Lake is renowned for its stunning natural beauty. It's a freshwater lake surrounded by rolling hills and wetlands, making it an ideal location for birdwatching and other outdoor activities. Birdwatching: The lake is a popular spot for birdwatchers due to the diverse bird species that inhabit the area. It's home to a wide range of waterfowl and migratory birds, making it a haven for bird enthusiasts. Water Activities: Visitors to Ugii Lake can enjoy a variety of water activities, including boating, fishing, and swimming during the summer months. The calm and clean waters of the lake are perfect for relaxation and water-based fun. Camping: Many visitors choose to camp along the shores of Ugii Lake, offering a tranquil and scenic camping experience. Camping allows you to connect with nature and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. Surrounding Landscape: The lake is surrounded by lush meadows and grasslands, providing a peaceful and serene setting. It's also not far from Elsen Tasarkhai, which is known for its sand dunes and desert landscapes. Ugii Lake is an ideal destination for nature lovers, birdwatchers, and those seeking a serene and natural retreat in Mongolia. It offers a peaceful contrast to the more arid and desert-like landscapes found in other parts of the country.